Migraines – Migraine Headache Relief – Northtowne Chiropractic

By | March 1, 2018


A migraine is a type of headache that has origins in line with neurology. It is a neurological condition that can cause a multitude of symptoms. They affect people of all ages, genders, and races, and are hereditary by nature. They can occur as early as childhood and persist through adulthood if the cause of the migraine is not diagnosed for that individual.

Migraine headaches happen as a result of unambiguous changes that occur in the brain. They are synonymously seen with severe traumas leading to sensitivities to sound, light and/or smells. Women have been said to have more migraines in their lifetime than men, possibly due to hormonal and dietary effects.


Migraine triggers are factors that can cause migraines to happen so when a person is exposed to these factors, they have the tendency of having migraines.  Some triggers are:

  1. Flashing lights
  2. Loud sounds
  3. Anxiety and stress
  4. Lack of food or sleep
  5. Hormone imbalances
  6. Food sensitivities / allergies to red wine, soy sauce, cheese, and caffeine

Not all migraine triggers will induce a migraine.  Some people are more prone to triggers and should seek medical attention to find the causes to help manage the symptoms.


The symptoms are, but not limited to, the following:

  1. Light sensitivity
  2. Sound sensitivity
  3. Strong odor, or, perfumes
  4. Muscle weakness and numbness
  5. Nausea and the feeling of a need to vomit
  6. Impaired vision or “double vision”
  7. Dizziness and light-headedness
  8. Lack of mental focus
  9. Neck pain
  10. Severe pressure throughout the skull
  11. Throbbing and squeezing feeling of the skull muscles


There are several treatment options for migraines, here is a list of some at home treatments:

  1. Avoid processed foods like hot dogs, cheese, bacon, and alcohol.
  2. Avoid ice cream or freezing cold foods and hot foods.
  3. Acupressure on certain muscles and locations of the body can relieve symptoms of migraines, as well as help relieve nausea.
  4. Lavender oil on the back of the hands and knees can help reduce the stress and a migraine from happening.
  5. Eat ginger; it has beneficial properties that reduce migraine occurrence.
  6. Increase magnesium intake through diet and supplementation if you are not getting enough per day. Magnesium can help prevent the aura of migraines.
  7. Performing yoga or pilates to reduce stress and improve body mobility.
  8. Chiropractic care can reduce and eliminate a migraine that is caused by a musculoskeletal condition. Getting checked out by a chiropractor can help reduce stress from poor posture, help you get better sleep, and improve your concentration.

If your symptoms persist and you continue to suffer from migraines and are looking for relief, call our office to schedule your appointment.

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