Experienced Car Accident Attorney – Columbus, Ohio

By | March 12, 2018

Are you looking for an experienced car accident attorney in Columbus, Ohio?  Consider the following scenario and decide if hiring a professional car accident lawyer is right for you:

As Vanessa sat at the traffic light thinking about the errands she was running, she could hear her two year-old singing in the backseat. Suddenly, a violent blow from behind launched her car forward approximately 15 feet. Immediately, she felt a sharp pain in her neck. With her ears ringing from the noise of the collision, she at once thought, “my baby is dead”.

Whipping her head around despite the intense pain, she saw her baby wide-eyed and surprised, but completely uninjured as he sat buckled in his car seat. For months following the collision she asked herself, “It was just a wreck- like people have every day … Why am I having bad dreams about it, a hard time driving, and I can’t seem to relax anymore”.

The Vanessa story gives us clarity about part of the stresses that accompany an auto crash; other effect include:

  • Anxiety disorder
  • Threat to physical integrity of oneself
  • Chronic pain
  • Missed work and wages
  • Serious injury

Following a car accident a lot of the attention is on physical injuries. If you suffered bodily injuries, you need to undergo a medical examination and receive medical treatment necessary to heal your body. If you then file a legal claim against the responsible party, you can show your medical records and bills to prove the damages you deserve for these injuries.

Many car accident victims pay less attention to the effects of the accident on their emotional and mental health. Very little attention is paid to car accident victims who are emotionally or mentally injured due to either the trauma of the collision itself or the struggle they face in dealing with their physical injuries. An experienced car accident attorney understands that these injuries can be just as devastating as physical ones.

Thus, having a personal injury lawyer can help ensure that a victim receives due and appropriate compensation for the damages that he or she has suffered including the damage done to their car. It is important to obtain an experience car accident Attorney to ensure that injuries are correctly documented and in a timely manner.

Attribute of a Good Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents lawyers cover a range of issues stemming from personal injury, wrongful death, property destruction, and liability determinations. When looking for a car accident lawyer, you should concentrate on the lawyer’s experience, skill level, commitment, location and fee structure.

For example, your car accident attorney should be well versed in state and national transportation laws, know how to deal with insurance and health care companies, and know how to effectively prepare and settle a case. Also, it’s important that you check the attorney’s background, references, and track record. Lastly, a good attorney will typically accept your case on a contingency or “no win-no fee” basis if the attorney feels your case has any merit, so it’s important to check the attorney’s standard fee structure.

When to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

Time is of essence. A personal injury lawyer should be contacted shortly after the accident to avoid any costly mistake. Because you may need to pay for medical bills and/or cover lost wages, the sooner you contact an attorney the better. In general, a person should contact an attorney within a week or two of the accident but before reaching a settlement with the insurance company.

If you need help locating an experienced car accident lawyer here in Columbus, Ohio call Dr. Larry VanSuch and he will help you find the best available.

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