Pt 1: What is Functional Medicine

By | December 27, 2017

Hello, my name is Dr. Larry Van Such, and if you have been suffering with:

  • debilitating health symptoms such as fatigue, depression or night sweats that you can’t seem to find the cause of, or
  • symptoms associated with poor digestion, unstable blood sugar and electrolyte imbalances
  • as well as those even associated with an autoimmune condition like Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis and Crohns disease,

then I have some very encouraging news for you.

Functional Medicine

Over the next 30 minutes, I am going to introduce to you a remarkable health restoration system known as Functional Medicine. Functional medicine differs from the traditional approach to healthcare that you may be used to in a number of ways.

And we are going to talk about those differences throughout this program so that you can become a better and more educated patient and hopefully start to get the answers you’ve been looking for to your own unique health condition, whatever it may be.

We are also going to go over the three major enemies to your health that functional medicine practitioners look at and ones that every person must know about. We will take a close look at and how these three enemies to your health team up against you and lead to a rapid decline in your well being.

Intestinal Permeability

You will also learn how if they aren’t controlled, how they can further deteriorate your health by causing something known as intestinal permeability, or a leaky gut that has been known to trigger a variety of auto immune conditions and other illnesses in the body that millions Americans currently suffer from.

Unique Laboratory Testing Available For Your Specific Symptoms

You will also be happy to learn that functional medicine practitioners have an incredible amount of laboratory tests at their disposal to help them track down the source of a patient’s illness, including:

  • From our basic comprehensive blood test (blood sugar, lipid, thyroid, CBC with differential, renal, hepatic, biliary, cardiovascular, hematological)
  • Immune testing for environmental toxins (such as lead and mercury)
  • Immune testing for intestinal permeability
  • Immune testing for food sensitivities (to wheat, dairy, raw vegetables),
  • Testing for hormonal imbalances and even parasites,
  • and many others specific to a patient’s need.

Treatment Options

We will then discuss some of the basic solutions to helping your restore your body’s metabolic pathways that have broken down and have perhaps lead to your decline in health in the first place. The solutions are designed around your own specific laboratory findings, health history and examination findings and may consist of diet, nutrition and lifestyle changes among others.

How to Become A Functional Medicine Patient

And finally, we will finish our program with how you can go about becoming a functional medicine patient in our clinic. We will let you know what to expect during your very first consultation and examination along with how your laboratory findings are reviewed so that you can confidently take the first step toward reclaiming your health and energy and start living the life you were intended to live.

So, we have a lot to cover so let’s begin!


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Dr. Larry Van Such

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